Road 2 Rio tells the heart-warming story of Rico, a young Brazilian boy who embarks on a magnificent journey across Brazil with his two best friends; Felipe, a samba-loving Toco Toucan and Pedro, a plump football with a peculiar sense of humour.
Rico dreams of becoming a professional footballer in time for Brazil’s national football tournament held at the famous Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro. Flown across the country by Felipe, the determined young boy visits the hometowns of his Brazilian football idols where he discovers how to play football the Brazilian Way.
As Rico prepares for his big day, he goes head-to-head with a football-hating and vengeful bee called Zeze. Although small in nature, Zeze plots a grand and cunning plan to destroy Rico’s dream of becoming a football superstar. Will he succeed?
For any young football fanatic, Road 2 Rio is an adventure you cannot miss!
- Print Length: 153 Pages (7 Short Stories)
- Language: English
- Reading age: 6-12 years